Silver Bengal Cat Vs British Shorthair: Which One Is Better?

silver bengal cat vs British Shorthair cat

Domestic cat breeds like the Silver Bengal cat and British Shorthair are well-known for their beautiful looks and mellow personalities. Both types are appreciated as pets, and people frequently choose them because of their attractive coats, stunning eyes, and amiable personalities.

However, when choosing which breed is best for them, prospective owners may wish to take into account a few significant variations between these two kinds. We will examine the qualities, personalities, and care needs of the Silver Bengal cat and the British Shorthair in this comparison, as well as point out some of the most significant variations between these two breeds.

Visual Differences

silver bengal cat vs British Shorthair

At a Glance

Silver Bengal Cat British Shorthair
Life Span 10-15 years Around 15 years
Average weight 8-12 pounds 7-17 pounds
Average length 14-18 inches 22-25 inches
Traits Loving, intelligent, energetic & vocal Fiercely loyal, & loving
Grooming Weekly Every two days

British Shorthair

To better understand the topic, let’s begin by examining the British Shorthair cat.

Breed Introduction

They are the outcome of an effort to develop a pedigree breed from the ordinary domestic cat found in Britain. The standard domestic shorthair proved to be superior breeding stock. They are descended from European wildcats and Egyptian cats that traveled to Europe with the ancient Romans.

british shorthair Breed Intro

Historical Overview

This breed is indigenous to Great Britain. It is one of the oldest cat breeds in existence, with roots in the Roman Empire. The breed has been a well-liked pet in Great Britain for centuries and is supposed to have descended from cats that the Romans brought to the country.

British Shorthairs have gained popularity as companion animals despite being bred primarily for their hunting prowess. They are renowned for having serene, dignified attitudes and are typically friendly toward children and other animals.

In the 1920s, the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) recognized the British Shorthair as a legitimate breed. In 1979, the US Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) also approved the breed.

Did you know? British Shorthair was one of the highlighted breeds in the first cat show, which was held at the Crystal Palace in London in 187.


This cat is a medium- to large-sized breed of cat that has a short, dense coat and a recognizable rounded head and face that resembles a cuddly teddy bear. British shorthair females are a little bit smaller than males. The breed’s characteristic round head with prominent cheeks, a solid chin, medium-sized ears, and wide, round eyes is one of its distinguishing features.

The dense, short coat of the British shorthair is. There is no undercoat on the single-coated British shorthair. British shorthairs are frequently blue (gray), although the breed can also come in various hues and patterns.

British shorthair appearance

Adoption Cost

The adoption fee is affected by a variety of variables, such as the breeder, location, and unique traits of the particular cat. A respectable breeder often charges you between $700 and $1,500 for a British Shorthair kitten. Prices, however, can vary based on the specifics of the situation.

Cats with desirable features or those from reliable sources may cost more, but show-quality cats or those with unusual coat colors or patterns may cost less. They are considerably less expensive than the Bengal breed.

Did you know? The gray Scottish Fold, a breed closely related to the British Shorthair, and the British Blue variant are frequently confused with one another. But the Shorthair can be identified by its pointed triangle ears, whereas the Fold can be identified by its softer, folded ears.

Personality of British Shorthair

They are renowned for being mellow and laid-back. They often conduct well, are calm under pressure, and don’t engage in aggressive or overly outspoken behavior. They are renowned for their curiosity and love of play, and they adore interactive toys and activities that let them indulge their innate hunting urges.

British Shorthairs are renowned for their serene, dignified presence and are typically affectionate and devoted to their families. They can be content in both small apartments and bigger residences because they are skilled at adjusting to various living circumstances.

Though they may be warier than strangers, they are often good with kids and other animals. British Shorthairs are all-around wonderful companions for a variety of persons and lifestyles.

Health Concerns

The British Shorthair is remarkably free from genetic illness. They are particularly susceptible to heart disease, specifically hypertrophic cardiomyopathy when it comes to genetic disorders. Of course, anyone can get sick, hurt, or get a health issue. 

To make sure your cat is healthy and to stay on top of any emerging health issues, it’s crucial to visit your veterinarian at least once a year for a physical examination. Overall, there is nothing to be worried about if you are one of these.

British shorthair Health

Size & Weight

They are categorized as medium-sized to giant cats. These enormous cats obtain most of their bone length in the first year, but they continue to develop and put on weight for years. Expect them to continue growing until they are at least three years old, and some of them may take up to five years to reach their maximum size. 

A female BSH should weigh between 3.6 kg and 5.5 kg as an adult (8 to 12 lbs). Adult toms become much larger, weighing anywhere from 5.5 kg (12 lbs) to a massive 16.8 kg (15 lbs).

Did you know? According to Swedish insurance data, the breed has a median lifespan of more than 12.5 years. 54% and 82% of British Shorthairs, respectively, lived for 12.5 years and 10 years.

Color Variations

British Shorthair are known for their short, thick coats and round, friendly faces. They come in a wide variety of colors, including blue, black, red, cream, silver, white, smoke, tortoiseshell, calico, and bi-color.

british shorthair colors variations

Care & Maintenance

This breed has a short coat that requires little maintenance, as the breed name would imply. Once a week, give your British shorthair a gentle slicker brushing. Weekly ear checks and nail trimming are also recommended. If you notice some debris in the ears, wipe them with cotton balls and a pet ear cleaner; never use a cotton swab.

Did you know? Compared to most cat breeds, they take longer to mature, with full physical development occurring around three years of age.

Pros & Cons


  • Low maintenance
  • Children friendly
  • Adaptable


  • Expensive & rare
  • Shedding
  • Prone to obesity

See Also: Silver Bengal Cat vs American Shorthair: What’s the Difference?

Silver Bengal Cats

Now that we’ve covered the essential details about British Shorthair cats, let’s shift our focus to Silver Bengals.

Breed Introduction

A silver Bengal cat is a unique variation of the Bengal breed with a predominantly silver or gray coat, often with black or charcoal markings and a glittery sheen.

They are known for their striking appearance, sleek body, and energetic, intelligent, and social personality. Silver Bengals are popular among cat enthusiasts who admire their distinctive look and personality.

silver bengal kitten

Historical Overview

Bengal cats are hybrid felines that result from crossing Asian Leopard cats with domestic cats. The process of Bengal cat breeding began in the 1960s, but The International Cat Association (TICA) accepted it in 1986.

In 1991, these felines gained championship status, but all those years, the Bengal cat only came in shades of brown and golden. The color silver was introduced in the 1990s by Judy Sudgen. Two cat breeds, Bengal cat and American Shorthair were crossbred to get the silver color cat. In 2004, TICA accepted the silver Bengal cats in the Bengal feline breed.


They appear to wear a coat that is either silver or grey. They can vary in size and intensity of their striking coat patterns, which are what set them apart. They also have bright green or blue eyes. While some Silver Bengal cats may have rosettes or spots on their coats, others may have a more even color. They frequently have a short, plushy coat on top of a lean, muscular body.

silver Bengal cat appearance

Adoption Cost

A good breeder often charges between $2000 and $5000 for a Silver Bengal kitten.

Personality & Demeanor

They are renowned for being animated and playful. They may enjoy playing with toys and climbing on things, and they are frequently characterized as clever and curious. Additionally, they could be louder than other cat breeds and more likely to “speak” to their owners.

Remember that these cats are always vying for their owner’s attention. When left alone, they may also cause quite a bit of mischief. Therefore, it’s crucial to completely “cat-proof” your home before bringing one of these felines inside.

Health Concerns

Although Bengal cats are typically healthy animals, they are susceptible to some health problems like all cat breeds. Bengal cats frequently experience eye conditions, dental issues, hip dysplasia, diabetes, kidney disease, rare dermatological conditions, thyroid issues, and liver disease. As a result, it’s essential to give them a healthy diet and regular exercise. Read our article 9 Ways to Exercise Your silver Bengal Cat.

Size & Weight

It typically weighs between 8 and 15 pounds and is larger than domestic cats, though some individuals may be larger or smaller depending on their particular genetics and diet. Bengal cats typically stand 20 to 30 cm tall at the shoulder and can reach lengths of up to 50 cm from head to tail.

Color Variations

Bengal cats come in various colors, including black, chocolate, blue, and cinnamon. A dilution gene lightens their coat color, resulting in silver Bengal cats with silver black, silver chocolate, silver blue, or silver cinnamon coats.

Bengal cats can also have different coat patterns such as spots, marbles, or rosettes. It’s important to note that heredity and environmental factors can lead to variations in the appearance of a Bengal cat’s coat.

silver bengal color variation

Care & Maintenance

Silver Bengal cats are on the safer side when it comes to grooming them because they don’t shed much. This breed can be owned with little to no difficulty even by many people who are allergic to cats.

You should brush these cats sometimes but don’t worry about washing or over-grooming them. Considering their short hair and lack of shedding, this breed is thought to be hypoallergenic.

Did you know? The GCCF’s 2013 registry data showed that the British Shorthair cat was once again the most widely used pedigreed breed in its country of origin.


We have no reservations about urging people to adopt either of these breeds. Despite a few minor differences, both are kind, peaceful, and easy to take care of. Bengals are not far behind British shorthairs in terms of affection, despite the latter being more so. The only thing to consider is the price, so if you’re willing to loosen your purse strings, you can consider getting an exquisite silver Bengal cat.

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